Dianne Smith-Misemer Named in Top 25 US Trademark Attorneys Specialized in Web3

Hovey Williams October 26, 2022

Congratulations to our own Dianne Smith-Misemer on this great honor.

Huski.ai ranks Dianne #13 of all US trademark attorneys filing in the Web3 ecosystem of emerging technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrency and crypto collectibles, NFTs, metaverse and digital artwork and other digital assets.  She ranks #3 among women in the profession. Her Huski.ai profile also notes that her average trademark prosecution time is in the top 30% of US trademark attorneys and that she represents trademark owners from 40+ countries around the globe.

Huski.ai’s Top 25 List is driven by big data and AI. Huski.ai analyzed millions of trademarks filings by 50,000+ U.S. attorneys. Its rankings are based on a variety of attorney success indicators including the number of filings, total prosecution time, and the frequency with which an attorney avoids or overcomes difficult or detrimental refusals.

You can view the complete Huski.Ai Top 25 US Trademark Attorneys Specialized in web3 list here for additional information.