Hovey Prevails in Copyright Infringement Case at the 8th Circuit

Hovey Williams August 20, 2021

Hovey Williams LLP successfully defended its client Thomson Sailors Homes and its principals in a copyright infringement action in the Western District of Missouri. In 2019, Judge Steven R. Bough granted summary judgment of no copyright infringement in a case claiming that certain model homes built in the Kansas City area by Thomson Sailors and its co-defendants copied the architectural copyrights in a home built by Plaintiffs in Columbia, Missouri decades earlier. Now, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed the summary judgment defense verdict of no copyright infringement. The 8th Circuit also affirmed a judgment for approximately $400,000 in attorney’s fees awarded to Thomson Sailors Homes and the other defendants. Hovey’s team included Dianne Smith-Misemer, Todd Gangel, Blair Barbieri, and was led by Scott Brown.