Hovey Williams Ranked #7 on the 2022 US Trademark Registration Tote Board

Hovey Williams February 21, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that our firm ranked #7 nationwide on the “2022 U.S. Trademark Registration Tote Board.” The list was compiled, and firms were ranked based on the number of U.S. trademark registrations obtained in 2022. This year, we helped clients obtain a colossal number of 521 trademark registrations! And with the continued growth and development of our team, we are not slowing down for 2023. The number of trademark registrations secured reflects our firm’s ability to assist clients with adding value to asset portfolios, expeditiously registering in the Amazon Brand Registry, and strengthening their ability to enforce and monitor against infringers. Congratulations Trademark Team, your hard work is noticed! Thank you for making us proud!